This Glossary of Common Data Terms was developed locally as a non-technical resource for those interested in expanding their functional data vocabulary. This glossary contains commonly used data terms defined in easy-to-understand language. Although the definitions are informal and non-academic, the following academic texts heavily informed their development:

Shryock, H.S., and Siegel, J.S. The Methods and Materials of Demography. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1976.
Haupt, A. and Kane, T.T. Population Handbook. Washington, DC: Population Reference Bureau, Inc., 1978.

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There are currently 5 names in this directory beginning with the letter C.
Chronic absenteeism (student)
specific measure of how much school a student misses for any reason. A student is considered chronically absent if they have missed more than 10% of enrolled school days.

acronym for “Community Indicators Consortium.” CIC is an organization that offers resources and tools to help communities and practitioners advance the practice and effective use of community indicators to improve quality of life. CIC focuses specifically on community indicators rather than on community data and information systems in general.

group that shares a defining characteristic.

two or more disorders or illnesses occurring in the same person.

Crude rate
total number of cases or events in a specific time period and geography divided by the total population in that time period and geography. See Rate, Age-adjusted rate, and Age-specific rate. See Rate, Age-adjusted rate, and Age-specific rate.




Below are a few of the many free resources available online for those who would like to learn more about data, from the basics to advanced concepts and skills.

  1. School of Data.
  2. Data-Pop Alliance.
  3. Oceans of Data Institute.