- There are many more people whose contributions to this work will be critical over the next few months, like analysts and other data technicians, data users of all kinds, developers and other tech people, and policymakers and funders. Together we’ll refine the plan, build it out further, and spin off workplans for individual projects.
- The following are some opportunities to contribute to ARDA's vision and stay involved:
- Participate and join in the effort by becoming an ARDA member
- Commit to leading and apply to be on the Steering Committee
- Join a workgroup
- Submit comments to let us know your idea
- Attend meetings to stay involved
Click the tabs above to learn more about ways to get involved.
- ARDA is a vibrant network of local analysts, leaders and change-makers like you, who want better access to reliable information to positively impact people in our community. Membership is free and open to anyone who demonstrates commitment to ARDA's mission and vision. We invite you to explore the benefits of membership and
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Membership Benefits
- As an ARDA member you will have access to:
- ARDA meetings
- Forums for peer-to-peer networking
- Webinars with partner organizations and members
- Access to members-only ARDA documents
- Opportunity to build relationships with a local community of users and providers
- Nomination and voting rights in Steering Committee elections
Membership Role & Responsibility
- As an ARDA member you are expected to:
- Promote the principles and values of ARDA
- Participate in collaborative activities and workgroups
- Share knowledge and information on lessons learned, success stories, case studies, program results and policy approaches
- Members are encouraged to link the ARDA website from their organization's website
- Contribute to ARDA activities and newsletter by sharing new ideas, data, best practices and other important and relevant news
- Vote in the Steering Committee elections
If you are interested in becoming a member apply here.
- The Steering Committee (SC) will support the work of ARDA and provide mission-based leadership and strategic governance. The Steering Committee is a partnership, and the appropriate involvement of the SC members is both critical and expected.
The following are required in order to be eligible for the ARDA Steering Committee:
*The nominee should be at least 18 years old at the time of nomination.
*The nominee must be a member of ARDA prior to nomination.
*A nominee must be currently employed by an organization for which the seat is designated to represent.
*Each nominee must sign a Steering Committee Commitment Form at the time of nomination.
This is an opportunity for an individual who is passionate about ARDA’s mission and who has a track record of leadership. Members should confirm that their employer supports their position and understands the time commitment and work required.
Terms and Time Commitment
ARDA’s Steering Committee members will serve a two-year term. SC meetings will be two hours each month for the duration of the term.
The purpose of the SC is to represent members; coordinate projects; and provide leadership. It is intended that the SC leverage their experiences, expertise, and insight to provide guidance and support for management and implementation of the vision.
Specific responsibilities include:
• attend SC meetings on the fourth Mondays of each month from 3-5 PM (location TBD)
• attend annual convening
• review agenda and supporting materials prior to SC and workgroup meetings
• participate in in-person and between-meeting discussions and decisions/votes
• establish ARDA workgroups and communicate with workgroup leads about projects
• leadership and/or participation in workgroups is not required but is likely necessary to move the work forward
• provide staffing entity with guidance on related issues
• represent ARDA to stakeholders; acting as an ambassador for the organization
• familiarize and advocate for the Community Strategy
• encourage your individual organization and those in your network to align with ARDA
• contribute to an annual performance evaluation of the staffing agency
• commit to two-year term
Download the Steering Committee Nominee Application
Should you have any questions, please contact us at Alamodata@gmail.com
ARDA is seeking partnerships with organizations in the Alamo area who share our vision for San Antonio to become a data-informed community. The Alamo Regional Data Alliance Partnership Agreement is intended to articulate our shared intent and shared vision – a statement of support for ARDA’s goals and guiding principles. It is not legally binding and implies no financial commitment from ARDA or the partner organization and its signatories.
If you’re interested in joining the ARDA Partnership, please download and complete the following Partnership Agreement in its entirety. In order to complete, you’ll be asked to sign and submit this Partnership Agreement. We will not use logos without your permission but we will list partners at alamodata.org.
Should you have any questions, please contact us at Alamodata@gmail.com